Artec Engineering

Large Sheet Metal Rolling and Fabrication @ Artec Engineering

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18.09.2023 | Company News

Today we have manufactured two large rolled cylinders to be used as part of a vacuum cover.

These are just two of the parts we have manufactured for our customers, who are a pioneering the use of renewable energy. Other parts we have manufactured are a spun 1200 dia. dome, rolled stainless bar and a spun 1200 dia. cone.

The inner and outer cylinders were both manufactured in 2.0mm sheet in EN1.4307 (304L).

Both cylinders were rolled in two parts and due to the sheet size, took two of our fabricators to roll and assemble ready for welding.

The cylinders were manufactured by first guillotining two sheets to the correct size.

Each sheet were then handled by two of out fabricators and placed into our automated rollers to achieve the correct form.

When both sheets has been rolled, they were then seam welded by one of our expert welders and dressed.

Did you know we have rolling capabilities to roll material that is 10mm thk x 2.5 mtr length?

We are looking forward to seeing these components in the finished products

If you have any rolling requirements or a general enquiry, then please contact Artec Engineering Precision Metal Spinners to see what we can do for you.

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